بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
The Muslim Fast
The Muslim fast of the Month of Ramadhan is a continuation of the long history of fasting in the Abrahamic faiths. The self-improvement benefits of fasting make it an important means of improving one’s faith and practice of religion.
“And men who fast and women who fast…God has prepared for them forgiveness and a vast reward.”
( Holy Quran 33:35)
• Fasting instills patience, teaches self-control and discipline.
• Fasting increases compassion for the less fortunate.
• Fasting builds focus on spirituality and diminishes focus on materialism.
• Fasting has many health benefits.
• Fasting can be atonement for sin and can earn great reward.
• Fasting is part of a strong spiritual and physical renewal plan.
• Fasting commemorates important sacred religious events.
What does the fast of the Month of Ramadhan entail?
In short, the fast involves abstention from all food, drink, vain talk, and sexual intercourse for married couples from the time before dawn when the sky becomes light enough to distinguish a black thread from the white thread of the horizon, until after sunset when redness leaves the Eastern half of the sky. Some people are not to able to fast due to age, health, child-bearing conditions, etc., and instead give charity, and/or make up the days of fast they missed at a later time.
However, the true spirit of the fast of the month of Ramadan is more than just abstention from a few things. It is a time of sustained, amplified effort toward spiritual perfection.
“Thirst and hunger you undergo, feel and live through, here and now, to bring to your mind the severity and sharpness of the drought and starvation that will be the order of the day on the Day of Judgment.
• Give alms to the poor and destitute.
• Treat your parents and elders with respect.
• Be kind and loving to your children and juniors.
• Take care of and look after your relatives.
• Keep from giving tongue to that which should not even be whispered.
• Shut your eyes to that which is indecent to have an eye for.
• Turn a deaf ear to that which is too slanderous to be all ears to.
• Be compassionate, gentle and benign unto orphans so that after you, your children, if need be, receive the same treatment from others.
• Turn repentant to God and seek God’s nearness.”
In addition to fasting and aiming for excellent moral character, Muslims devote as much time and energy as possible in the Month of Ramadhan toward prayer and supplication to the One and Only God. During some of the nights of this month, Muslims will remain awake the whole night in worship.... READ MORE HERE and HERE.