Islamic Glossary
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Irhabi (إرهابي) A terrorist. | |
Iron (حديد)The Arabic word for Iron (Fe) is 'Hadeed'. There is a Surah (Chapter) in the Quran called Al-Hadeed. | |
Isaac (إسحاق) Isaac is a Prophet, son of Prophet Abraham (PBUH). He is known as Is-haq in Arabic. | |
Isha (عشاء) See Ishaa. | |
Ishaa (عشاء) This word means night; It is also the name of an obligatory Prayer that is done at this time - Salat al `ishaa. This prayer consists of four rak`ahs. | |
Ishaq (إسحاق) Prophet Isaac (in English) was Abraham's son by his wife Sarah, and the father of Prophet Jacob. The tidings of his birth were given to his parents by the angels who had been sent to destroy the city of the people of Lot. The Holy Qur'an referred to Isaac as "a son endowed with wisdom." Isaac was sent as a Prophet to guide people to the right way. | |
Islam (إسلام) (1) A monotheistic religion with the second largest following in the World. The Arabic word 'Islam' simply means 'submission', and derives from a word meaning 'peace'. In a religious context it means complete submission to the will of God. 'Allah' is the Arabic name for God, which is used by Arab Muslims and Christians alike. | |
Islamic Calendar (التقويم الإسلامي) The Islamic Calendar is 'Al-Taqweem al-Islami' in Arabic - it is often called the 'Hijri' Calendar because it is started from the 'Hijrah' (migration) of the Muslims from Makkah to Madina to escape persecution. This occurred in the year 620/621AC, so the current year 2008CE is 1429AH. AH means 'after hijrah'. There are 12 months in the Islamic calendar and the names of these months are:
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Islamic lawsIslamic rules, Islamic regulations (Islamic commandments that every Muslim should respect them.) | |