بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
Overview of course :
Imam Sajjad and Shiite Muslims
Imam's encounter with the Umayyads
The Hashimites after the Event of Karbala
Scientific Situation of Imam Baqir (PBUH)
Fighting against Jews and Israelite
Imam Sadiq's (PBUH) Shiite
Shiite jurisprudence based on the narrations of the household of the Prophet
Imam Sadiq (PBUH) and Sunnite's base of profound understanding
Confrontation with Mansour and Nafs-e Zakie
Imamate after Imam Sadegh (PBUH)
Imam Kazim's (PBUH) Martyr
Imam Kazim (PBUH) and Speech and Mental Discussions
Evaluation is done based on students activities , for example :
1- Multiple choice and /or Written quizzes at the end of each lesson.
2- Midterm exam after 7 lessons.
3- Final Exam after 11lessons, including Multiple choice quiz.
Number of lessons: 11lessons.
- Teacher: Mariam Islam
- Teacher: N. Rashidi