Islamic Glossary
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K |
Khamr (خمر) Drink containing Alcohol. Usually refering to beer. Alcoholic drinks are forbidden in Islam. | |
Kharaj(tax)land revenue, land tax, paying allegiance, tribute (a country's annual income from lands taxes) | |
Khawf (خوف) Fear or fright. | |
Khayr (خير) See Khair. | |
Khenzeer (خنزبر) A Pig. | |
Khilafah (خلافه) The Caliphate system - The leadership system of the Muslim nation (ummah). See Khalif. | |
Khimar (خمار) A type of cloak. | |
Khulafa (خلفاء) The word 'khulafa' is the plural of the word khalif. | |
Khurooj (خروج) An exit, leaving or emergence. | |