Islamic Glossary
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K |
Kaif (كيف) 'How', or 'How is...' or 'How did...'. | |
Kalam (كلام) Kalam means speech (spoken words). | |
Kalimah (كلمة)(1) The Kalimah, also known as The Shahadah, is the name of a phraze a person must say in order to become a Muslim. (2) Kalimah means 'word'. | |
Kareem (كريم) The word Kareem means 'generous'. It is a popular boy's name. | |
Karim (كريم) See Kareem. | |
Kathaab (كذاب) A liar. | |
Katheer (كثير) Many/a lot. | |
Kayf Halek (كيف حالك) When an Arabic speaking person greets you and asks kayfa halek? He is saying 'how is your health?' or 'how are you?'. | |
Kefer (كفر) See Kufr. | |