Islamic Glossary
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C |
Calendar (تقويم) The Arabic word for calendar is 'taqweem'. See Islamic Calendar for more information. span id= | |
Caliph (خليف) See Khalif. | |
Calligraphy (خط) Calligraphy is known as khat in Arabic. | |
Chair (كرسي) The Arabic word for chair is 'Kursi' | |
CharityVoluntary alms (loving kindness towards others) | |
Child (طفل) Child in Arabic is 'Tifl'. | |
Children (اطفال) Children in Arabic is 'Atfal'. A single child is known as a 'tifl'. | |
Christian (مسيحي) The word 'Christian' in Arabic is 'Maseehy'. | |
Circumambulate (طواف) | |
CircumcisionCutting off the foreskin of a male person as a religious rite. | |
Civil ordinances of IslamA collection of Islamic laws for private rights of citizens | |
CleanlinessTaharat is the state of being clean and not impure. | |
Clear ruleFree from doubt, not confused | |
Colin Colin is an English name meaning 'People's Victory'. | |
Come (تعال) The Arabic word for 'come' is 'ta`al'.span id= | |
Commands and prohibitionsReligious injunctions and commandments. | |
Commentator Interpreter,expositor, exegete (a person who comments religious issues.) | |
ConfidenceFirm trust, conviction, devotion to God (Trust to something firmly.) | |
Congratulations (مبروك) The Arabic word for congratulations is 'mabrook'. | |
Congregational prayerCommunicational prayer (a group of people gathered for religious worship.) | |
ConsecutivelyKnowledge through successive transmissions, following continuously , in unbroken order | |
ConstructiveReformer, peace-maker (offering helpful suggestions) | |
ContentmentA contented state. | |
ContractsA formal agreement between people or groups or countries. | |
Contractual partnershipPartnership according to a contract.
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ContradictionBe contrary (state the opposite, what is said is untrue or that a person is wrong.). | |
ConvictionConvicing [proving or declaring (a person ) to be guilty of a crime, a firm opinion or belief, being convince]. | |
Cool (بارد)Cool (cold) in Arabic is barid. There is no Arabic word for the slang term 'cool', but a lot of Arabs use the French version - Chique (pron. Sheek). | |
CorrupterDishonester (a person which is dishonest or immoral.) | |
Country (دوله) The Arabic word for country is dawlah. | |
Covenant (عهد) The Arabic word for covenant is '`ahid'. | |
Crazy (مجنون) The Arabic word for crazy is Majnoon. | |
Crescent (هلال) The Arabic word for a crescent moon is 'Hilal'. | |