Islamic Glossary

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Virgin (عذراء)

The Arabic word for virgin is '`adhra`'. The mother of Christ (AS),(PBUH), is called Maryam al-`adhra` - The Virgin Mary.

Virtuous, those who guard (against evil)

God fearing,...(having or showing moral virtue)


Wa (و)

(1) "And", eg. wa lillah mulk al samawat (And with Allah is the ownership of the heavens)
(2) "By", eg. wa-llah ([I swear] by Allah)

Wa Alaikum Assalam (و عليكم السلام)

When a Muslim is greeted with the word 'salam' or its variants, they should reply Wa Alaikum as-Salam - And upon you be peace.

Waddi (وادي)

A deep ditch formed by erosion.

Wadood (ودود)

Wadood means loving. One of God's names is 'Al-Wadood' - The Loving (God).

Wafat (وفات)

The death or passing-away of someone. For example people will use this word like: 'Today is the wafat of Prophet Muhammed (SAW)'.

The common word for death is mawt.

Wahid (واحد)

(1) The numerical value of one (1).
(2) A person.

Wajib (واجب)

Obligatory, necessary, mandatory.

Walad (ولد)


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