Islamic Glossary
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A |
Admonishto warn, to advise (to give advice or counsel) | |
Admonitionwarning (advice, counsel) | |
Adu (عدو)Enemy. | |
Adyan (اديان)Adyan is the plural of deen (religion). | |
Affectionate, Compassionate, Kind, Mercifulkind (to have kindness to othersو showing affection) | |
Afwen (عفواً)`Afwen means sorry. Another word for sorry is 'Al-`afoo'. The Arabic shown is for `afwen. | |
AgathologyA science that explaines the virtues of ethics. | |
Age (عمر)The Arabic word for age is 'Umur'. | |
Agricultural PartnershipsContract of farm letting (leasing the land and receiving part of its products in return) | |