Islamic Glossary

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Baytullah (بيت الله)

Baytullah (also spelt baitullah) is formed of two words: bait & Allah; It means 'House of God', and it is in reference to the holy Kaaba in the town of Mekkah.

Beard (لحية)

The Arabic word for Beard is Lihyah.

Beautiful (جميل)

The Arabic word for beautiful is Jameel (masculine) and Jameelah (feminine).

Beauty (جمال)

The Arabic word for beauty is Jamal.

Beek (بك)

Grammar: word;This is the slang form of the word 'bika'.

Being undesirable

Compulsion (being compelled)


A person who gives financial or other help.

Benjamin (بن يامين)

Benjamin is an English name meaning 'Son of right hand'. Prophet Jacob (PBUH) had two sons from his wife Sarah - Joseph (PBUH) and Benjamin.

Benjamin is pronounced 'Ben ya-meen' in Arabic, and the true form is written that way too.


Bernard is an English name meaning 'Stern Bear'.

Bibi (بيبي)

Means Grandmother.

In the UK some British parents name their daughters bibi or bébé because they think it is cute. lol.

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