Islamic Glossary
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A |
Angel (ملاك) The Arabic word for angel is malak. | |
Aniqah (انيقه) See Aneeqah. | |
Anisah (آنسة) Madam or Miss. | |
Ansar (انصار) Literally means helpers or supporters. In Islamic history the people of Madinah who responded to the Prophet's call to Islam and offered Islam a city-state power are known as Ansar. | |
Anta (انت) Anta means 'you' or 'you are'. | |
Anthony Anthony is an English name meaning 'Priceless'. | |
Anwar (أنوار) Anwar is the plural of 'nur' which means light. It is sometimes used as either a girl's (especially) or boy's name. | |
ApostasyHeresy (renouncing former beliefs) | |
ApostateBackslider (person who renounces his former beliefs.) | |
Apparent lawNot real law | |