Islamic Glossary

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Angel (ملاك)

The Arabic word for angel is malak.

Aniqah (انيقه)

See Aneeqah.

Anisah (آنسة)

Madam or Miss.

Ansar (انصار)

Literally means helpers or supporters. In Islamic history the people of Madinah who responded to the Prophet's call to Islam and offered Islam a city-state power are known as Ansar.

Anta (انت)

Anta means 'you' or 'you are'.


Anthony is an English name meaning 'Priceless'.

Anwar (أنوار)

Anwar is the plural of 'nur' which means light. It is sometimes used as either a girl's (especially) or boy's name.


Heresy (renouncing former beliefs)


Backslider (person who renounces his former beliefs.)

Apparent law

Not real law

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