Qudsi (قدسي)

Qudsi means holy, or pure. There are some reports from the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) where he relates to the people what God has said or did, but this information is not part of the Qur'an.

While the common factor between hadith qudsi and the Qur'an is that both contain words from Allah which have been revealed to Muhammad (PBUH&HP), the main points of difference between Qur'an and hadith qudsi are as follows:

* In the Qur'an the precise wording is from Allah, while in the hadith qudsi the wording is given by the Prophet Muhammad.
* The Qur'an has been brought to Muhammad (PBUH&HP) only by the Angel Gabriel (AS), while hadith Qudsi may also have been inspired otherwise, such as e.g. in a dream.
* The Qur'an is inimitable and unique, but not so the hadith qudsi.

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