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Invitation to attend a panel discussion

Re: Invitation to attend a panel discussion

by Quran and Etrat Support -
Number of replies: 0

Salaamon Alaikom,


On the occasion of the 27th of Rajab, The Day of Mab’ath, the auspicious occasion marking anniversary of Prophet Mohammad's (PBUH) public announcement of his prophethood, Quran and Etrat Online University is planning to hold a panel discussion for the first time.
We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to this panel discussion. The moderator of this panel discussion would be Dr.Omid Fatemi, the founder of the Quran and Etrat Online University.

The main topics are as follows:

  • How the Holy Prophet (pbuh&hp) was described in the previous Holy Books?

  • How was the Divine training of Prophet (PBUH&HP) before Be’athat (sending)? And what was his religion on that time?

  • What were the stages of Prophet Mohammad's call to Islam after Be’athat ?

  • What are the Sirah of the Prophet (PBUH&HP) in all dimensions of his life ( ethical, governance ,…)?

  • The main reasons behind Prophet Mohammad's migration to Medina and the formation of the government and constructing the Mosque of the Prophet (Masjeul- Nabi) (PBUH&HP) afterwards.

Should you volenteer for delivering a 10 - 15 mintunes talk about any of the above mentioned topics, please send your request to track-of-light@etrat.net .




Quran and Etrat Online University - Extracurricular Team