Islamic Glossary

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Dad (بابا)

The Arabic word for dad is 'baba'. (Father is abb).span id=

Daff (دف)

A plain, tambourine-like drum.

Dajjal (دجال)

Dajjal is the name given to the Anti-Christ. Muslims believe that there will come a man near the end of times who will fight against Jesus (PBUH) when he returns, and Imam Mahdi (ATFS).span id=

Daleel (دليل)

Reason or argument.


Daniel is an Enligh name meaning 'Ruler of the World'.

Dar (دار)

House or home.

Another word for house is bayt (also spelt bait).

Dars (درس)

(1) A lesson.
(2) Sometimes an 's' is added to Arabic words to imply that there is more than one of this thing. The word dar means 'house', so dars could mean 'houses'.
The Arabic shown is for lesson.

Darul Islam (دار الإسلام)

Dar-ul-Islam, which literally means Home of Islam, is the name given to countries whose religion and government is Islamic. A Muslim may say, for example, that Saudi Arabia is Darul Islam, while China is Darul Kufur (Home of Disbelief).

Darul Kufur (دار الكفر)

Dar-ul-Kufur, which literally means Home of Disbelief, is the name given to countries whose religion and government are effectively Atheist. A Muslim may say, for example, that Saudi Arabia is Darul Islam (Home of Islam), while China is Darul Kufur (Home of Disbelief).

David (داود)

David is the name of a Prophet, known as Dawood in Arabic.

The transliteral spelling of the word david is دافيد (da-feed). There is no letter 'v' in Arabic so it has been replaced with the letter 'f'.

Dawa (دعوه)

See Dawah.

Dawaa (دواء)

Medicine or cure.

Is there any chance you meant to find the word Dawah?

Dawah (دعوه)

Literally means "call", and in this sense it refers to calling to the Truth through preaching and propagation.

Dawlah (دوله)

Dawlah means country or state.span id=

Dawn (ضحى)

The Arabic word for dawn is Dhuha.

Dawood (داوود)

David in English. This Prophet was a devout servant of Allah who used to observe fasting on one day and break it the next, besides practicing forms of worship for about two-thirds of the night. Allah revealed the Psalms (Zaboor) to David, gave him wisdom and knowledge and granted him a strong kingdom.

Dawud (داوود)

See Dawood.


See Mawt.


Obligator (a person who owes money or something else to another.)

Deceased prayer

Funeral prayer (recommended prayer for asking forgiveness for a dead person).

Deen (دين)

Religion. A way of life for Muslims.

Deer (غزالة)

Deer in Arabic is Ghazaleh. The English word Gazelle comes from this Arabic word.


Preference [recommended action; performance will be rewarded but neglect is not punished (said of an action).]

Desirable prayers

Supererogatory prayer (the recommended prayers after or before the daily obligatory Salat).

Devil (شيطان)

A devil is called a 'Shaitan' in Arabic. Devils are the associates of Iblees (Satan).

Dhabeeha (ذبيحة)

An animal slaughtered in the Islamic way making it suitable for Muslim consumption (Halal).

Dhalim (ظالم)

A person who oppresses another person is called a dhalim. The person who is oppressed is called madhloom.

Dhalimeen (ضالمين)

This is a plural word meaning 'oppressors'.

Dhameer (ضمير)


Dhikr (ذكر)

Literally, Dhikr means mention or rememberance but it is often used in reference to the rememberance of Allah. When someone remembers his Lord he will commit less sins and Allah gives thawab for thikr.

Dhimmi (ذمي)

A non-Muslim living under the protection of an Islamic state. They are exempt from the duties of Islam like military service and zakat but instead pay an alternative tax to the Islamic state called jizyah.

Dhuha (ضحى)

Dhuha means dawn (day-break), when there becomes brightness in the sky early in the morning. There is a chapter in the Quran called Al-Dhuha. Dhuha (often misspelled Doha) is also a popular girl's name - the Arabic equivalent of the English name Dawn.

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

[93.1] I swear by the early hours of the day,
[93.2] And the night when it covers with darkness.
[93.3] Your Lord has not forsaken you, nor has He become displeased,
[93.4] And surely what comes after is better for you than that which has gone befor
[93.5] And soon will your Lord give you so that you shall be well pleased.
[93.6] Did He not find you an orphan and give you shelter?
[93.7] And find you lost (i.e. unrecognized by men) and guide (them to you)?
[93.8] And find you in want and make you to be free from want?
[93.9] Therefore, as for the orphan, do not oppress (him).
[93.10] And as for him who asks, do not chide (him),
[93.11] And as for the favor of your Lord, do announce (it).

Dhuhur (ظهر)

Means Afternoon. It is also the name of the obligatory salat (prayer) that is performed in the afternoon: Salat al-dhuhur.

Dictionary (قاموس)



Blessing, give dignity to ( to give high rank or position).

Dikr (ذكر)

See Dhikr.

Din (دين)

See Deen.

Divine Legislation

Divine legislation, legislating (the laws themselves according to Islamic regulations).

Divorce (طلاق)

The Arabic word for divorce is 'talaq'.

Djin (جن)

See Jinn.

Doa (دعاء)

See Dua.

Doctor (طبيب)

A doctor in Arabic is known as a tabeeb (or dictawr). Arabs call dentists and vets tabeeb too. Basically, the meaning of the word tabeeb is equivalent to 'physician' (any type).

Tabeeb bashary = medical doctor;
Tabeeb baitary = vet;
Tabeeb asnan = dentist;

Dog (كلب)

The Arabic word for dog is 'kelb'.

Doha (ضحى)

See Dhuha.

Door (باب)


Douaa (دعاء)

See Dua.

Dream (حلم)

Dream in Arabic is 'hilm' or 'manamah'.

Dua (دعاء)

Supplication and Invocation to Allah - asking favours to Him.

Dunya (دنيا)

This world or life.
The opposite is the afterlife (akhirah).

Duty (واجب)

The Arabic word for duty is 'wajib'. Wajib also means obligation/obligatory.

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