Islamic Glossary

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I (انا)

The word 'I' is 'ana' in Arabic. Ana can also mean 'I am'.

Ibadah (عباده)

Means woship. An act of ibadah is an act of worship done for the sake of Allah.


Ibid is a Latin acronym for ibidim and it means 'At the same place'. In many English Islamic books the list of references sometimes state this word. It means the referenced quote can be found in the same book as listed above.
1. The Holy Quran, by Allah, 1:1
2. Ibid; 27:30

Ibin (ابن)

See Ibn.

Iblees (إبليس)

A jinn (a special type of species) and shaytaan (satan). Iblees is the name of the jinn that caused Adam & Eve to be removed from heaven.

Iblis (إبليس)

See Iblees.

Ibn (ابن)

Ibn, or bin, means 'son of'. Eg: Ali `ibn` Abi Talib (PBUH) means Ali `son of` Abi Talib.

Ibrahim (إبراهيم)

Abraham in English. He was the "Close One to Allah" Who preferred him over many others and selected him to be a messenger. Though brought up in a pagan community that worshiped idols, Abraham refused to do so and realized that there must be a greater god of the universe. Allah guided him to the right path and revealed His message to him. He then directed his mission to his people, and called on them to renounce idolatry. He was answered with stubborn refusals. They plotted against him but their schemes were in vain, for Allah, the Almighty, provided support and protection to His servant and prophet, Abraham. Abraham was the forefather of a line of prophets through his two sons Ishmael and Isaac. It was Abraham who began the construction of the Kaabah with the help of Ishmael.

Iddah (عده)

A woman's prescribed waiting period after divorce or death of husband. It is 4 months and 10 days.

If there was no period of iddah and the woman married another man and discovered she was pregnant then she would be unable to tell who the father of the child was. Iddah solves this potential problem. Iddah also applies in the situation where a woman converts while she is married to a none-Muslim husband, she has 4 months and 10 days for him to accept Islam or else the marriage dissolves.

Iftar (إفطار)

Breaking the fast. Beginning to eat after the sun sets - especially during ramadhan.

Ijtihad (إجتهاد)

Ijtihad is the process whereby a very educated Muslim makes up his own ruling on the permissibility of an Islamic law just for himself. This person would be labelled a 'Mujtahid'. An uneducated person is not permitted to do this and must follow the ruling of his Imam instead.

Ikhlas (إخلاص)

The word ikhlas means 'sincerity'. It is the name of a surah (chapter) in the Quran. This chapter is also known by the name 'tawheed', which means unity.

(Chapter 112. The Unity)

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
[112.1] Say: He, Allah, is One.
[112.2] Allah is He on Whom all depend.
[112.3] He begets not, nor is He begotten.
[112.4] And none is like Him.

Ikhwa (إخوه)

Means brothers/sisters. Often used in sentances like 'nahnu ikhwa(tun)', we are brothers/sisters.

Ikhwan (اخوان)

Ikhwan is the plural of Akh.

Ikhwatun (إخوةٌ)

From the word Ikhwa which means brothers/sisters; the 'tun' on the end of the word is a diacritic (harakah).

Ilah (إله)

God / Deity / Lord.

Ill (مريض)

The Arabic word for 'ill' is 'Mareedh'.

Ilm (علم)

Literally means 'knowledge' or 'knowledge of ...'. It can also mean science.

Ilyas (إلياس)

Elijah in English. He was a prophet sent to the people of Baalbek, in east Lebanon. He called them to worship only Allah and stop adoring their idol Ba`la. They subjected him to different punishments.

Ibn `Abbas said that Elijah was the paternal uncle of Elisha.

Imam (إمام)

The word Imam has multiple meanings:

(1) The person who leads a congretional (jamaa) prayer
(2) The Muslim leader who runs the Masjid (Mosque)
(3) A Khalif (leader of the Muslim peoples)
(4) A normal leader of Muslims, but this leader usually provides at least some spiritual guidance
(5) Any one of 12 infallible members of the Ahlulbayt (family of the Prophet) (AS). (Shia)
(6) Any one of the 4 recognised fallible grand scholars of the Ahlul Sunnah wal Jama`ah. (Sunni)
(7) Any scholar who is deemed educated enough, usually a mujtahid
(8) An `Alim
(9) An Ayatollah
(10) A Mufti
(11) A person who is given the special status of Imam by God; e.g. Prophet Abraham (PBUH).

Imam Jama'at

Leader of a congregational prayer

Iman (ايمان)

Faith. Iman (pronounced Eeman) is a popular girl's name.

Iman is pronounced eeman but with the ee said said softer and the a slightly extended.

Impure, dirty

Not pure, ritually unclean (unclean substance or element, ritually not pure)

Imraeh (إمرأه)


Ina Lillahi Wa Ina Ilayhi Raajioon (إنا لله و إنا إليه راجعون)

"To Allah we belong and unto Him is our return". Is said immediately upon hearing of the death of a Muslim.


Fornication (obscene act)

Individual prayer

Singly prayer (doing official prayer ritual alone)

Infidel ( Person with no belief in a religion)

Non-believer, pagan [disbelieves in the message of the Prophets. Since the advent of Muhammad (pbuh&hp), anyone who rejects his Message is a kafir.]There are a few things that make someone an infidel so you may find these Arabic words of interest: Kafir, Kufr, Mushrik, Shirk.

Injeel (انجيل)

The Injeel is the holy book, or Gospel, that Allah gave to Prophet Jesus (PBUH). In todays world this book does not exist, but there are parts and influences from it found in the New Testament and other Gospels that did not make it into the Canon of the New Testament but these parts are not easy to point out. The Injeel IS NOT the New Testament because the NT was written after Jesus and by 4 main writters (amongst many) - Peter, Mark, Luke & John. There is no 'Gospel of Jesus'.

Injil (انجيل)

See Injeel.

Inna (إنا)

'We are' or 'we have'.

Insan (إنسان)

A Person or Human.

Inshallah (إن شاء الله)

It could mean any one of the following variations: If Allah (God) wills; When Allah (God) wills; If Allah (God) wishes;


Intelligence, expert knowledge (the ability to perceive and understand the true nature of something.)


Mediation, intercession (Islamic moral principle or set of principles)

Interest (ربا)

The Arabic word for Interest is Ribba.

Intihar (إنتحار)


Suicide is absolutely forbidden in Islam.


Closer relative (someone with whom there can never be marriage because of consanguinity or affinity. For example, a father is a Mahram relative for a woman.)

Iqra (اقرء)

Saying 'Iqra`' to someone is to order them to read. When Prophet Muhammed (SAW) was meditating in the cave of hiraa he was ordered to read by angel Jibraeel (Gabriel). Iqra` was the first word of the Quran that came upon the Prophet (SAW).

The angel repeated the order: iqra! Read! as Muhammed explained he was unable to read, then Jibraeel said:
[96.1] Read in the name of your Lord Who created.
[96.2] He created man from a clot.
[96.3] Read and your Lord is Most Honorable,
[96.4] Who taught (man to write) with the pen
[96.5] Taught man what he knew not.
These are the first verses of the Quran that came down to the Prophet. Surprising isn't it!

Irhab (إرهاب)


A terrorist is known as an Irhabi.

Irhabi (إرهابي)

A terrorist.

Iron (حديد)

The Arabic word for Iron (Fe) is 'Hadeed'.

There is a Surah (Chapter) in the Quran called Al-Hadeed.

Isa (عيسى)

Isa is the name of Prophet Jesus (PBUH). Muslims believe Jesus was a Prophet without a father and the son of Mary the virgin (RA).

Almost as Adam had been created without a father or mother, Jesus Christ was born without a father. He was Allah's Word inspired to Mary. Allah gave him Clear Signs and endowed him with the Holy Spirit. He was held in honour both in this world and the Hereafter and in the company of those nearest to Allah. Jesus was strong in spirit, and very wise. Allah bestowed upon him the power to speak eloquently while still an infant in his cradle. Indeed, Jesus's miracles were innumerable. Allah taught him the Wisdom and Book, the Torah and the Gospel. Allah made him His Messenger to the Children of Israel. By Allah's leave, Jesus made the figure of a bird out of clay and breathed into it and it became a bird. He could, by Allah's leave, heal those born blind, lepers and even resurrect the dead. Jesus invited his people to worship Allah, the Only True God and obey Him as He should be obeyed; but they rejected him and rebelled. Only the poor among them followed him. Allah raised Jesus up unto Himself and saved him from those who plotted to crucify him.

Isaac (إسحاق)

Isaac is a Prophet, son of Prophet Abraham (PBUH). He is known as Is-haq in Arabic.

Isha (عشاء)

See Ishaa.

Ishaa (عشاء)

This word means night; It is also the name of an obligatory Prayer that is done at this time - Salat al `ishaa. This prayer consists of four rak`ahs.

Ishaq (إسحاق)

Prophet Isaac (in English) was Abraham's son by his wife Sarah, and the father of Prophet Jacob. The tidings of his birth were given to his parents by the angels who had been sent to destroy the city of the people of Lot. The Holy Qur'an referred to Isaac as "a son endowed with wisdom." Isaac was sent as a Prophet to guide people to the right way.

Islam (إسلام)

(1) A monotheistic religion with the second largest following in the World.
(2) Submission (to the will of God).

The Arabic word 'Islam' simply means 'submission', and derives from a word meaning 'peace'. In a religious context it means complete submission to the will of God. 'Allah' is the Arabic name for God, which is used by Arab Muslims and Christians alike.

Islamic Calendar (التقويم الإسلامي)

The Islamic Calendar is 'Al-Taqweem al-Islami' in Arabic - it is often called the 'Hijri' Calendar because it is started from the 'Hijrah' (migration) of the Muslims from Makkah to Madina to escape persecution. This occurred in the year 620/621AC, so the current year 2008CE is 1429AH. AH means 'after hijrah'.
There are 12 months in the Islamic calendar and the names of these months are:
  1. Muharram
  2. Safar
  3. Rabi` al-Awal
  4. Rabi` al-Thani
  5. Jumadal-awal
  6. Jumadal-thani
  7. Rajab
  8. Sha`ban
  9. Ramadhan
  10. Shawwal
  11. Dhul Qi`dah
  12. Dhul Hujjah
The calendar is based on the movements of the phases of the moon so it does not correlate perfectly with the Gregorian calendar which is based on the sun. There are 354 days in the lunar year (as a pose to 364 days in the solar year) and the Islamic months tend to start 10/11 days earlier than the solar year before so the start of the month is always changing - if the month of Ramadhan last year started on the 11th of October, we should expect it to start on the 1st of October next year.

Islamic laws

Islamic rules, Islamic regulations (Islamic commandments that every Muslim should respect them.)

Islamic upbringing

Islamic Education (Islamic training in order to respect religious desires.)

Ism (إسم)

The word 'ism' means 'name'. To say 'my name is Tom' in Arabic you say 'ismi Tom'.

Isma (عصمة)

Infallibility - being innocent of any sins.

Ismaeel (إسماعيل)

Ishmael (in English) was the first son of Prophet Ibraham (AS) by his second wife, Hajir (RA) (Hagar in English).

Ismail (إسماعيل)

See Ismaeel.

Isnad (إسناد)

Has two meanings related to Hadith:

(1) Ascribing a hadeeth back to the one who said it - connecting the chain of narration;
(2) The chain of narrators which reaches back to the text - which is the same as "as-sanad".

Israeel (إسرائيل)

1) The Prophet Yaqoob (Jacob in English) was also called Israel which means "Servant of Allah".
2) The name of the country formed after world war two that is on occupied Palestinian land.
In the Quran the quote 'the Children of Israel' is read often but few people know that it means 'Descendants of Prophet Yaqoob'.

It is also rarely used as a name because Allah often mentions the descendants of Israel as sinners in the Quran, and the current political climate in the middle east makes it innapropriate since someone called Israel would be presumed to be a supporter of the illegal state.

Istighfar (استغفار)

to seek Allah's forgiveness. It is something that must be done continuously in a Muslims life.

Istiqbal (استقبال)

(1) The act of welcoming someone.
(2) The act of approaching someone.

Istishhad (استشهاد)

The act of Martyrdom.

Ithim (إثم)

Ithim are negative points that you reap when you commit a sin. See Thawab for comparison.

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