Islamic Glossary

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Wali (ولي)

Leader, friend, protector, guardian, supporter, helper, etc. It is a general word that changes meaning depending on the sentance or situation.

Walimah (وليمه)

A marriage banquet at the wedding reception.

Waliyullah (ولي الله)

Waliyullah is composed of two words: wali and Allah. Together they mean 'Leader from Allah' or 'Leader chosen by Allah'.

Wallah (والله)

Wallah or Wallahi means '(I swear) by Allah'. It is used to affirm the conviction of being truthful.

War (حرب)

The Arabic word for war is 'harb'.

Wardah (ورده)

Flower. This word has been used as a girl's name.

Washing (غسل)

The Arabic word for washing is 'ghusl'.

Wasiyah (وصيه)

A written will or testament.

Watan (وطن)

Nation or country.

If i is added to the end of the word it becomes watani which means My Country.

Water (ماء)

The Arabic word for water is Ma'.

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