Saturday, 4 May 2024, 11:17 AM
Site: Quran and Etrat Online Organization
Course: Quran and Etrat Online Organization (EtratU)
Glossary: Islamic Glossary

Sadiq (صادق)

Sadiq means truthful. It is a popular boy's name.

Saeed (سعيد)

The word sa`eed, also incorrectly written 'sayeed', is a popular boys' name. It means happy.

Safi (صافي)

Pure and clear from dirt. Usually this pronoun is applied to innanimate objects like water: Al Maa' al Safi - The pure water.

You may have been looking for the word 'Tahir'.

Sah (صح)


Sahaba (صحابه)

See Sahabah.

Sahabah (صحابه)

The sahabah (companions)(RA) are all the Muslims who ever met or saw the Prophet Muhammed (SAW). There were many hundreds of sahabah and they were all very different individuals, coming from all walks of life and varied from the least notable ignorant Bedouin to the most appreciated and respected of his devout followers.

One of the great misconceptions amongst Muslims is that all the sahabah were good people, but in reality a good deal of them were initially enemies of Islam and the Prophet and many had previously killed Muslims. It is necessary to remember that the sahabah are only human and they still continued to commit sins and some were hypocrites of varying degrees.

Sahabah often have the words 'Radhiallah Anh' (May Allah be Pleased with Him) written after their names, and the acronym form is (RA). But this should not be mentioned after the names of any Sahabi willy-nilly because some of them do not deserve it.

Saheefah (صحيفه)

This (feminine) word means 'A book'. Sometimes use of this word is meant to refer to the Quran, but it could be any book.

The usual word for book is kitab.

Saheeh (صحيح)

See Sahih.

Sahib (صاحب)

Sahib means Friend. It has been used as a boy's name.

Sahih (صحيح)

Sound/correct/authentic. Used mainly to refer to hadiths and/or the books they were written in.