Saturday, 4 May 2024, 2:31 AM
Site: Quran and Etrat Online Organization
Course: Quran and Etrat Online Organization (EtratU)
Glossary: Islamic Glossary

Bin (بن)

See Ibn.

Bint (بنت)

The word bint means 'daughter-of', so Fatimah bint Muhammed means Fatima daughter-of Muhammed (AS). Sometimes the word bint is used to mean a girl.

Bird (طير)

The Arabic word for bird is tayr.

Bismihi Taala (بسمه تعالى)

By His (God's) name, the Most High (and Mighty). This phrase is used instead of 'In the Name of Allah, most beneficent, most merciful' (bismillah) because it doesn't contain the word Allah, so it can be written on documents which can be later discarded or destroyed without worry that the word Allah is ruined.

Bismillah (بسم الله)

"In the name of Allah (God)". It is a shortened version of 'Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem' (In the name of Allah, most gracious, most merciful) and it precedes all surahs (chapters) of the Quran except one. Bismillah is said as a blessing before eating food and other actions that are worthy of giving thanks to Allah or asking of His support.

Bismillah Irahman Nirraheem (بسم الله)

See Bismillah.

Black (اسود)

The color black is Aswad in Arabic.

Blind (اعمى)

The Arabic word for blind (void of sight) is 'a`ma'.

Book (كتاب)

The Arabic word for book is kitab.

Bow down

 Bowing, bending, genuflection (the act of bowing in the Salat)