Saturday, 4 May 2024, 11:41 AM
Site: Quran and Etrat Online Organization
Course: Quran and Etrat Online Organization (EtratU)
Glossary: Islamic Glossary

Being undesirable

Compulsion (being compelled)


A person who gives financial or other help.

Benjamin (بن يامين)

Benjamin is an English name meaning 'Son of right hand'. Prophet Jacob (PBUH) had two sons from his wife Sarah - Joseph (PBUH) and Benjamin.

Benjamin is pronounced 'Ben ya-meen' in Arabic, and the true form is written that way too.


Bernard is an English name meaning 'Stern Bear'.

Bibi (بيبي)

Means Grandmother.

In the UK some British parents name their daughters bibi or bébé because they think it is cute. lol.

Bida (بدعه)

Means Innovation. This is the addition/removal/ignorance of an Islamic law or teaching. Bida usually goes against what is written in authentic hadiths and the Quran or goes against what the Prophet (PBUH&HP) practiced and taught.

The Prophet (PBUH&HP) said: "If anyone introduces an innovation in the religion, he will be responsible for it. (Good or bad). If anyone introduces an innovation or gives shelter to a man who introduces an innovation (in the religion) he is cursed by Allah, by His angels and by all the people." [Sunnan Abu Dawud]

The Prophet (PBUH&HP) also said: "Whoever does an action which we (Allah and His Messenger) have not commanded, it will be rejected." [Muslim - Sahih]

There are many understandings about what is or isn't bida, so your best bet is to ask your scholar.

Biddah (بدعه)

See Bida.


Religious zeal, fanaticism (to hold an opinion obstinately and not to tolerant towards those who do not.)

Bika (بك)

Bika (or bik) is a synonym of 'feek'. It means 'in you' or 'with you'. The 'a' on the end of the word is an often-used diacritic.

Bilal (بلال)

Bilal (RA) was a very special companion of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH&HP). He was originally a black slave but converted to Islam while he was still a slave and for this he was tortured by his master and almost murdered. The Prophet bought him from his master just in time and saved his life. He freed Bilal and Bilal became an influential figure and great companion of the Prophet of Islam.